Conference Matters 142

against the green benchmark. That makes our work - working together towards the congress, or the apotheosis- even more satisfying than it already was.”

reusable materials. We also wonder what could be built using the materials that are left behind. How about creating bicycle bags using banners? This is how we measure every aspect of a confe rence, from concept development to evaluation,

menu. They had good reasons to do so, which they had clearly communicated to the partici pants beforehand. The aim was to impress the participants so much with the quality and vari ety of the vegetarian dishes that even the most seasoned meat eaters would be inspired to eat vegetarian meals more often. The culinary bitterballen made from oyster mushrooms grown on coffee grounds was one of the conference’s successes. Of course, such special dishes not only taste good but also help start great conversations.” Apotheosis For Congress Care, the ESPCI conference was not the first and certainly not the last green conference. “It has inspired us to always look for green options together with our clients. Take the trade fairs at our conferences, for exam ple. Nowadays, we ask stand builders to use

AN INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE FROM THE ESPCI ORGANISERS TO THE PARTICIPANTS: “Green is the colour of our conference, mainly because we want this to be the greenest and most sustainable conference on hearing to this day. The ESPCI is the largest conference on cochlear implants for children, which means it has a huge impact on the environment. The large number of international professionals flying to the conference emits an extraordinary amount of CO2 into our atmosphere. As the executive committee of ESPCI 2023, we recognise the burden imposed on our environment and are proud to take the first steps towards a more sustainable conference. Our efforts in short: raise awareness on green and sustainable healthcare throughout the entire conference by emphasising personal efforts; promotion of public transportation; free use of public transportation; CO2 compensation through tree planting; locally sourced catering; two inspiring green key-note speakers; multiple sessions on sustainable and green healthcare.”



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