Conference Matters 143



determining the future of incentive travel

can respond to emerging market trends and challenges.

Incentive travel remains an effective way to motivate employees and foster a positive com pany culture. According to research by Marije Breuker, its role is changing among clients and incentive agencies. As the owner of incentive agency Motivation Travel and former chairperson of the SITE Neder land trade association, I saw many projects can celled due to the health crisis, like many others in the events industry. I chose to use my newly freed-up time to gain new insights. I enrolled in the Master’s degree in Strategic Event Manage ment at the Breda University of Applied Scien ces (BUas) in Breda, where I devoted my thesis research to a large-scale study of developments in the incentive market. The first part was comprehensive research into the latest trends and regulations in the incentive industry based on a literature study and conver sations with involved professionals. Then I set up an elaborate customer survey with Nico Meyer from Qmatters. The effectiveness of incentive travel as a tool to motivate employees and its relationship with future business strategies is the focus of this survey. The research examines how company decision-makers perceive incentive travel using surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observa tions. It also showed how the incentive market By Marije Breuker

Popular tool Incentive travel remains a popular tool to moti vate employees, strengthen teams and pro mote company culture. The survey shows that 73 percent of respondents use incentive travel to increase employee engagement, while 63 percent value team building. Companies also acknowledge their role in employee retention and the war for talent (38 percent), as well as strengthening company culture (55 percent). They value incentive travel for the immediate rewards as well as because of the long-term effects on employee engagement and satisfaction. Incentive trips, as a psychological reward, promote loyalty and performance, which aligns with the company goal of increasing motivation and retention. Market shifts and challenges The research identifies six major trends that will influence the future of incentive travel: 1. Sustainability: Increasing emphasis on environmentally friendly and socially respon sible choices for an incentive trip, such as a green hotel. 2. Legislation: The work-related costs scheme (werkkostenregeling, WKR) threatens incen



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